Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cover up

Is it so wrong for a man to tell society's ladies to cover up?  Let's face it our culture of in your face sex.  These poor men should absolutely control themselves, but ladies do we have to make it harder on them.  We want them to respect us as women as we wear low cut shirts with our breasts hanging out to the brim and our short tight miniskirts.  How seriously can they take us when all the see is SEX?  They can't even see our faces much less hear us past the distraction of all our goodies hanging out.  Ladies a word of advice if you want a man's respect then cover it up and let them get to know what is inside.  Another thing in our overtly sexual society the body and our looks fade better make sure there is something much more important than your outward appearance.  So please cover it up.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mother of Amish Shooter Caring for Victim of Shooting

It is amazing to see in the midst of tragedy a transformation of lives.  It would be so easy to be unforgiving and to live in a state of self pity and despair.  We know that the Amish suffered great loss as their children were murder, but we tend to forget the shooter has a mother and father too.  The shooter's mother and father are suffering with the loss of a son and the devastation and guilt of a child so lost that he  took the life of innocents.  Terri Roberts, the shooters mother, is transforming her tragedy into an inspiration to us.  She is caring for a quadriplegic victim.  It is very difficult for Terri to see the suffering her son has inflicted, but in her sorrow God is forging new bonds.  In Terri we see how God is pulling her through this situation, and how a cycle of forgiveness and love can bring comfort to a catastrophic situation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

 Although I myself am not much a fan of sci-fi I have seen both Star Wars and Star Trek several times.  By far Star Wars is superior in everyway to Star Trek.  Star Wars special effects and story line hook and captivate the audience immediately.  Star Trek tends to be grainer and the story lines do not equal the depth of Star Wars plots and subplots.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

U.N. unlikely to sway poorer nations on obesity, diabetes

Obesity and diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the wealthy nations of the world, but should it be a concern for the UN.  Personal responsibiltiy has slowly disintegrated, and now  many governments are  involved in solving problems like obesity and diabetes.  These are concerns of society, but no government can force a person to care about their own health.  With proper nutrition and excercise most of the problems with diabetes and obesity can be solved but only by the individual suffering the effects of the malady.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Few States Examine Test Erasures

Testing in schools over the recent years has had so many problems.  Over again we hear about cheating by teachers, administrators, and students.  Clearly our society is failing in education in many ways.  Will examining erasures really change and/or prevent cheating?